
Featured Classes

Dance Empowered


The mission of Dance Empowered is to create an inclusive, community-oriented, dance experience for the purpose of mutual upliftment, movement of stagnant energy and stress, and fearless engagement in emotional expression through dance. Dance ability is NOT a requirement. The full throttle approach to each and every class sets an electrifying tone that keeps the class celebratory and full of exhilaration. Each class and the remarkable (and huge!) community of dancers who come are heart-forward and the experience is designed to inspire freedom, radical self-acceptance, and EMPOWERMENT.

Dancers are encouraged to join the choreography with a "you do you" mentality bringing their own flair and feeling to the moves. The music and the movements are powerful, emotive, sexy, explosive, and inspiring. Each song has been carefully selected to be evocative and get the group to FEEL into the movements in lieu of executing each step “perfectly”. People often report experiencing incredible emotional and cathartic experiences.

THIS IS A SAFE SPACE. Dancers are encouraged to express themselves freely without threat of emotionality or sexuality being co-opted, exploited, or consumed by anyone else in the room. The power of your life force energy is for YOU to enjoy. This is about experience and NOT performance.

I encourage a “don’t hold back” policy and dancers regularly jump on stage to join me in leading the choreography. While the class ranges in intensity, dancers are encourage to take breaks and pace themselves in whatever way feels right for them. You are encouraged to bring water, wear sneakers with low tread on the soles, and be prepared to sweat and smile your face off.


Coalessence Dance

  • ••• Coalessence Dance •••Unique Musical journeys & Improvisational Dancing with an attitude of gratitude


    Is solo, partner, group and contact improv dance friendly.
    Supports diversity, equity & inclusion and is open to constructive feedback and participation in helping us craft a container inspiring to all.
    Is a facilitated container where all attendees are invited to co-create a consent-based atmosphere where sensitivity and respect in all interactions is practiced continuously.
    Is all ages. Children are welcome to participate in the dance and the community is encouraged to support their integration. Elders are honored.
    In Addition…

    We invite curious, capable, sensitive, expressive, caring human creatures to come and explore what and who you are, ranging widely through phases of creative movement and stillness.

    Compassionately witnessing, holding space, drawing, and writing are welcome and appreciated.

    ••• The Somatic ••• Offered free by Hartspace Project is a space in time intended to support, inspire and refine our dance, to share with each other our observations, experiences, creativity, and ways of learning. This time also serves to tune the environment for the upcoming Coalessence Dance.

    ••• Altar work-trade for the dances •••

    If you're interested in work trading for any Coalessence Dance, you can earn 2 free dances for 1 shift. Please check out our Signup Genius Page to learn more & to sign up.

    ••• Consent and Wristbands •••

    We humbly ask that everyone continuously cultivate an atmosphere of consent, where our awareness of others' experiences inform how we practice our dance, and how we make our ways through the world. This means getting clear verbal or non-verbal yes's or no's from those we approach. If "yes", we are always sensitive to changes and endings. If "no", we acknowledge the clarity with grace and appreciation.

    We offer Red, Yellow & Green wristbands at the door for those wishing to clearly, visually indicate level of interest in interacting. Wearing them is not required but please do if so inspired.

    More in the opening circles on how we work creatively and collaboratively to create a dance experience expressing respect and overall awesomeness towards all; please be present and participatory.


    ••• Please visit our website for more info and our calendar, and on facebook •••

    TUESDAY Evenings

    Doors open 5:00, Somatic Lab 5:15, Music 6:00 - 8:30

    SUNDAY Mornings

    Doors open 10:00, Somatic Lab 10:15, Music 11:00 - 1:30

    Sliding Scale Exchange

    $10 Supporting - $15 Sustaining - $20 Evolving
    ½ price for: Teens, Students w/current enrollment card, Oregon Trail card holders.
    Accompanied youth under 12 are Free.
    10% of proceeds go to supporting arts education in the Eugene area.
    Please no photography or video without prior consent.

    Thanks Dancers!

    In Gratitude as a formative principal...

    Imagining gratitude as a formative principle, as an orientation or perspective that can directly shape the experience of ourselves, each other, and the world around us.


    In Gratitude as an affirmation of life...

    As we seek to be held in the web of life,

    where does a path of gratitude lead us?

    What do our senses perceive of our vitality and capacity to uplift others along the way?


    In Gratitude as a creative expression...

    What can the whole of us learn about tuning up, tuning in and playing a dance of gratitude?


    Event Link(s):

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