Meet the Staff

Angela Lees - Concessions Manager
I originally volunteered at the WOW Hall because I had just moved to Eugene and I love music and wanted to meet people. I’ve seen tons of great shows, but I think my favorites at the WOW were Concrete Blonde, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Mayer Hawthorne and Shellac. When I’m not at work, I make found object jewelry and pet dogs.

Barbara Bochnovic - Financial Officer
WOW Hall: where green-eye shades are super cool and where I like to come to work and smell the jasmine!  Re-living "the toughest job you'll ever love, I was once a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ecuador; now the Community Center for the Performing Arts in Eugene!

Bob Fennessy - WOW Hall Historian
I think I bought my first record album (Introducing The Beatles) in 1963 and I’ve been collecting ever since.  (I even purchased the house I was living in because it would be too much work to move the records.)  I was trained in journalism and public relations while in the US Air Force. I learned to fundraise while canvassing for Oregon Fair Share.  Everything came together when I got a job at  the WOW Hall –music, journalism & PR, and fundraising.  I enjoyed it so much I stayed for 33 years!

Brooke Everard - Volunteer Coordinator
Ensures volunteers are in place to support all shows and events, recruits, trains and engages volunteers, and maintains the volunteer database. Helps to develop community messaging and promote WOW Hall visibility to increase our presence and attract a more diverse local audience. (Volunteers are our ambassadors!)

Danette Lamson - Ticket Office Manager and Poster Distribution Manager
I am a long time Eugenean, having moved back to our beautiful little town in 2002. I have two strapping, handsome sons and a wildland firefighter for a partner. Besides working in the WOW Hall, I have the distinction of being a Buddhist who works in a Methodist church in Springfield. I also act and direct in community theater.

David Ferris - Membership Coordinator / Concessions
It has been a long, rambling road that has brought us to this place and time. Over the years, I have worn many hats: chef, stagehand, safari guide. But now I am thrilled and excited to be a part of the WOW team. I have been attending shows here for over two decades, a member for the last three years, and a volunteer since last Christmas. The first time I walked thru the doors of the WOW, I felt at home. I immediately feel in love with the whole scene: the ambiance, the people, and of course the MUSIC! I suppose my joining the WOW family was only a matter of time. And I couldn’t be happier! Fate. What ya gonna do? 

Davis Koier- Lead Engineer
My favorite WOW Hall memory was when during a sold out show, a madman rigged the WOW Hall to collapse if the volume fell below 120dB. With judicious use of EQ and compression, I was able to prevent damage to the audience's hearing while Keanu Reeves defused the device.

Deb Maher - Executive Director
I am excited to be the Executive Director and pleased to be working with our talented staff and wonderfully supportive board. I bring a depth of experience in nonprofit management, board governance, project management, leadership coaching and meeting design and facilitation. I have served nonprofits in Oregon and nationally and have worked for public sector agencies. In addition, I have a number of organizational certifications including Appreciative Inquiry from Case Western University, master’s in public administration from San Diego State University and MBA from Loyola University. When I am not working on WOW Hall activities, I can be found attending Eugene/Springfield events, hanging out with friends or riding my shining red electric bicycle on the Bandon coast.

Desiree Pappenheimer - House Manager
I make sure the patrons, staff, and volunteers at shows all have the best time possible and I also write grants for the WOW Hall. I play the viola and sing in the four-lady Eugene band, Connectarine. If I am not playing or dancing at a show, I am likely in the woods.

Eric Herz - Facilities Manager
My family has lived in Eugene since the 1930s - my grandmother used to dance at the WOW Hall in the 1940s when she was still in high school - so the building is very dear to me.  Since 2017, my job has been to maintain the facility and the surrounding landscaping, as well as protect the historical integrity of the nearly 100 year-old building.  I'm grateful to help provide a space where the community can gather to enjoy live music and dance.

Kurt Liedtke - Marketing Coordinator
Prepares ad plans in conjunction with the Booking Manager, creates content and social media posts, creates content to promote shows and events on HIVE, oversees the timely production of posters and collateral, assists in increasing the overall visibility of the WOW Hall.

Molly Hayes - Assistant House Manager and Facilities Assistant
Works closely with our Facility Manager to ensure the building is kept clean and in good repair.  She also serves as a  back-up to the House Manager and provides graphic design skills to create posters that  promote shows and events.

Skyeler Williams - Talent Buyer/Booking Manager
My name is Skyeler, but the people closest to me call me Sky. I moved to Eugene in 2010 with hopes of getting involved with the local music scene and beyond. I’ve spent the last decade running sound, booking shows and producing events all over Eugene, but one of my first steps was becoming a WOW Hall Volunteer. I love listening to records, paddleboarding, hiking, doing yoga and producing my own music. I'm honored to be serving the larger community, doing what I love on behalf of The WOW Hall.


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