WOW TALES: Fruition

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


We tried mightily to find an opening act for this show, but after considering several options while the clock kept ticking closer to the show thankfully Fruition agreed to play a double set. Turned out we didn’t need an opener, as this Portland band’s return to Eugene drew a huge crowd regardless and the crowd was very enthused. It was a pretty large crowd present, and many knew the words to most songs, while the band brought a ton of energy on stage matched with beautiful harmonies and an Americana flair. Let’s face it, ya don’t see a lot of bands with a mandolin player front and center on the stage — especially not one that brings as much high energy rock as Fruition did.

There was also quite a bit of humor, whether in their lyrics or in-between banter, the band had the crowd laughing, stomping, cheering, and singing through an extended evening. A big highlight was their latest single, “Feelin’ Weird,” which really got the crowd going with its incredibly catchy hook “I feel funny…shit, I probably look it too!”

Thanks Fruition for pulling double-duty on this evening, and an enormous thanks to our audience that packed the WOW Hall without an opening act. We’ll see you at the WOW Hall again soon!

Check out some photos and a video highlight below.




WOW Hall Marketing Director

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