WOW TALES: Shane Mauss

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Shane Mauss

This was a comedy show with a seated audience, but despite the leisurely seated setting our crowd was riveted and riotous in their laughter with comedian Shane Mauss’ multimedia show. Billed as a combination of science, psychedelics, and comedy — it lived up to the promise and more. Shane, who has been on the comedy circuit for many years, went into great detail matched with a very trippy animated backdrop that seamlessly followed along with his stories from one to the next, highlighting the sordid history and detailed effects of various drugs — matching the science with personal stories of his or others’ experiences in using said drugs.

Shane clearly has had no shortage of trippy moments in his wild life, and shared one hilarious story after another after providing insight into the scientific elements and anticipated experience for each drug akin to that of a PhD chemist. His knowledge of the subject was both astounding and uproarious as he shared one story after another with a softly spoken, casual, and nonchalant flair – all the while drawing huge laughs.

His full set was animated throughout thanks to the incredible work of multiple animators and animation studios, of which he thanked at the end of his performance while showcasing coloring books he had on sale at his merch table that incorporated an augmented reality app — think of it as a way to go on a LSD trip with crayons rather than chemicals.

As much a chemistry lesson set to incredible animation than a comedy show, this was one of the more memorable non-music performances we have welcomed to the WOW Hall, and an enthused audience showed their deep appreciation.

Thanks Shane for the lesson, everyone there should have walked away with college credit for the knowledge gained. And thank you to everyone who joined us for this wild evening, we’ll see you back at the WOW Hall again soon! Check out some photos and a video highlight of the show below.



WOW Hall Marketing Director


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