WOW TALES: tu-NER with Childspeak

Monday, May 20, 2024

tu-NER, opener: Childspeak

We honestly weren’t sure how this show would go over — it’s difficult to get a crowd out on a Monday evening, especially with very avant garde experimental sounds that generally attract a more niche audience. Still, we persevered, and were rewarded with two excellent performances and an appreciative audience.

Opening the evening was Childspeak, a Portland-based trio that play loud, anthemic, complicated instrumental power rock. Obvious fans of progressive rock with a dash of math rock, their sound to me fit more into that of the 90s shoegaze genre and its recent revival sounding very akin to that of My Bloody Valentine, Ride, Lush, Slowdive, and more recently The Joy Formidable. Add in some indecipherable vocals and they could be the Cocteau Twins. The band sported an impressive array of foot pedals and effects on stage to fill out their already cacophonous sound. It wasn’t the first time Childspeak was on our stage, and considering the positive crowd reaction we doubt it will be the last time we hear from them.

Our headliners were tu-NER, a new trio with some serious music credentials. The collective consisting of Markus Reuter, Pat Mastellotto, and Trey Gunn have past affiliations with bands such as Mr. Mister, Stick Men, David Sylvain, Devin Townsend, and the incredible, iconic King Crimson! Added to this show was the fact that Trey Gunn for a time was a Eugene resident, making this show extra special both for the band and us. Their sound is very experimental, but intriguing and incredibly complex. Part jazz, part rock, part ambient, part experimental sound beyond immediate proper categorization. Astute musicianship was on display for all to hear and experience from these master musicians. If nothing else we’re pretty proud of the poster we made for this show, and Trey provided some very trippy animated shoutout videos we used on social media right before the show that got a big reaction.

Thank you to everyone who joined us on a Monday night, and hopefully we’ll see you at the WOW Hall again soon. Check out some photos and a video highlight below.



WOW Hall Marketing Director

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